Terms of use and refund

:Return and exchange policy

  • To cancel your order before  shipping outside Riyadh or delivered, you can contact us to cancel on
  • Mob.: 0575082838 or Phone: 011-4980838.
    - If you wish to return the order after shipping and receiving the order, you must fill out the Cancellation Request
    Within 7 days from the date the product is received by the customer.
    - The product must be in its original condition, without opened boxes or packaging, and not used, otherwise it will not be returned or exchanged.
    - If you wish to return the order before shipping or the order is canceled due to the product being unavailable, the amounts will be returned to the same card used in the electronic payment process within one to three weeks from the time the order was cancelled.
    - All items in the offer group must be returned and their value received at the time of the offer, in the case of returning items that were purchased during the offer period.

Products that are not returned or exchanged once received from the customer are

• Items that require special storage conditions, such as refrigerator medicines, milk, and baby food.
• Deodorants, personal and women’s care products, unless there is a manufacturing defect in the product.
• Make-up and contact lenses.
• Medical girdles and accessories, such as varicose veins stockings, slimming girdles, and others.
• Products that have been opened, used by the customer, have changed their original condition, or have been deformed due to poor preservation or use by the customer.
- The product is returned within the period specified above, and the amounts are returned to the same card used in the electronic payment process within one to three weeks of confirmation of acceptance of the return, after the shipping company representative receives the product from the customer and The product arrives at Al-Jafn Online Pharmacy and is examined.

- If the customer informs Al-Jafn Online Pharmacy that there is a problem with the product after receiving it and it is returned, and after examination it turns out that the product is intact and does not have any problems, the amount will be returned to the customer, with the cost of round-trip shipping being deducted from the customer. However, if it is proven that there is a problem with the product The full amount paid by the customer will be returned.
- The customer bears the shipping cost with the shipping company if the order is returned without a valid reason.
- After shipping the order, the shipment must be received from the shipping company and the receipt must not be delayed so that it is not returned to the source again. If the receipt is delayed and the customer is contacted to receive the shipment and he does not receive it and the shipment is returned again to the source and the customer requests re-delivery, the customer bears the cost. Return and ship again.

:Discount Voucher  

When using a discount coupon on the site, the discount does not include (unless explicitly stated):
-Medicines and treatments.
- Diapers and baby formula.
- Products that have offers on the site.

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